Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Animal Farm: Not What You Think It's About

I am reading the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. At first i was very suspicious about this book; I heard that it was about communism, which I knew very little about. I first thought I wasn't going to be able to read it due to my lack of knowledge. I was wrong. The book was a fairy tale about animals that were rebelling being in custody of humans and controlled by humans. When they finally achieved this and made their own "government" it soon started to go wrong. At first they made seven commandments that were supposed to be unchanged. Then the plot twist occurred. The leader, Snowball, was run out of Animal Farm by Napoleon, and Napoleon took charge of Animal Farm. Under Napoleon's command, the pigs and dogs were treated the best of all animals, when one of the commandments stated "all animals are equal". Some animals were treated different than other animals, and soon Animal Farm was the exact opposite of what they were originally aiming for.
At the end, the last sentence was about how the pigs and humans were arguing about something. the sentence said: "the other animals looked man to pig, pig to man, and man to pig again, but it was already impossible to tell which was which". This was saying that the pigs had actually became man, when the original goals of Animal Farm was to do anything but what man does so they would not become like man.
This relationship to communism was very interesting and amazing, and I was so perplexed when I figured it out.


  1. I liked how you summarized you book. I think you should add connection about the book to yourself.

  2. I like how you talked about your impressions before and after the book. Good job!

  3. Nice blog post an this book is communism because your excerpt from the book is a perfect example of it. Just like my 360 no scope across the map final kill cam in dome. lol
